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December 1, 2024

New Investor Leads: Enabling Access Settings for Security and Lead Generation

Pitchwise Team

Pitchwise provides useful tools to secure your fundraising documents while enabling lead generation. With customizable access settings, you control how your content is shared, keeping it secure and professional. Here’s how you can protect your materials and turn every view into a networking opportunity.

Securing Your Fundraising Documents

When sharing your campaign, you decide who can access it by adjusting the Shareable Link Settings. These protective options give you flexibility and control:

  1. No email required: Viewers can access your content without entering an email address.
  2. Require email to view: Viewers must provide an email address to view your campaign.
  3. Email verification: Viewers must verify their email address before gaining access.
  4. Enable download: Grant permission for viewers to download your campaign file.

Applying Access Settings

You can set or update these security options in two ways:

  1. When generating a link: After initially publishing a campaign, clicking “Share Campaign” will prompt you to select an access setting before the shareable link is created.
  2. On the campaign page: After publishing, you can edit the link settings by selecting “Edit link settings” from the … menu at the top right of the campaign page.

Using Email Requirements to Generate Investor Leads

Pitchwise doesn’t stop at sharing documents. By requiring “email to view” or “email verification”, Pitchwise transforms your pitch deck into a powerful lead-generation tool. Each time your document is shared, it generates new investor leads. This automatic process turns every interaction into a potential business connection, expanding your network and increasing your fundraising opportunities.

With Pitchwise, you don’t just share your fundraising materials—it’s a strategic way to grow your investor base and build relationships.

New to Pitchwise, Signup for free Today! 

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